Why the "Gift of Genius" Program Is:
The Closest Thing To a USER's MANUAL for
TOTAL SUCCESS That You'll Ever See!
"I'm Looking for a Few More
of My Dream Students..."
Yes, you can have control over everything!
If You Get Accepted Into the "Gift of Genius" program, this is how it will work:
Very Limited Openings - Apply Here Now

Once we understand those key pieces of Information, we’ll follow this simple program to get you to create whatever you desire or something better:

And it's really that simple...
If you aren’t moving closer to your objectives each week, it’ll be hard to get there….
If you can’t get to your objectives…. you’ll never feel confident of success.

You could literally be a few days away from achieving your first goal...


And as you achieve the first, comes the second, and the third until you may even find that you’re running out of goals.

But the beauty is that achieving your goals will be more like a flow. Things will just click and fall into line and you will be achieving more and more every week, every month. In fact, you’ll be building a foundation of successes behind you, which will propel you to even greater objectives.

Maybe you’ll be programming yourself for money. You’ll see how easy it can be.

Maybe you’ll choose to improve your health. You’ll see that you have more control over it than 
you can imagine.

Things can happen quickly. For some it happens in a matter of days. Others a matter of weeks. Sometimes in a month or two. When you follow the program it will happen. It’s up to you how fast.

All you need to do is follow the simple instructions that you'll learn and practice them at least 2x a day for 15 minutes. The more  you do, the better it is but even 2x 15 minutes is enough to get there. 

How Fast You Can Achieve Your Goals...
When You Have the "Right Tools..." 
You Could Literally Be Just A Few Days Away From DOUBLING, your income... or landing YOUR DREAM JOB…or finding your SOUL MATE. But do you know how to accelerate these changes for yourself?
This program is for successful people who want to be more, have more and do more for themselves and for their family, friends and the greater world.

If you are the type of person who is not ready to invest in yourself and not make the effort to practice just 2x a day for 15 minutes each time, then this is not the program for you.

We’re looking for people who want to provide value not only to themselves but to others, through their own financial, personal and spiritual success.

If you LOVE to continually improve yourself while SHARING what you’ve learned with other like-minded people, then this could be for you.
This program is not for people who want everything for themselves.
To grow this network of friends….To be able to grow yourself and share with others in the process, and create a better world for all of humanity.

So if you’re interested in applying to become a member of our special little group, here are the details.

Membership Criteria
Before I get to the details…

Let me explain who should be applying for membership….the kind of members we are looking for.
First, we’re looking for “like-minded” people who live in Ontario, Canada or are willing to travel there to take part in the Live Immersion program.

  - I want people who want to change.
  - I want people who want to be better.
  - I want people who want to share their success as they have it.
  - I want people who don’t complain, try and provide more value.
  - I want people who think of others, not just themselves…

These are the kind of people I want in this group.

Most of all, I want members who are willing to look in the mirror…. face their problems… and support others in doing the same.

"Have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition. They already know what you truly want to become."
- Steve Jobs
They say your success will be the Average of your five closest friends.
And I believe that….don’t you?

I see it everyday.

Successful people who invest in themselves are surrounded by similar people.
One of the most powerful ways to achieve your goals is to use what other successful 
people have been using.

The secret of this program are the scientifically techniques developed by Jose Silva what today is known as the Silva Method. These techniques have been used famous people by Jack Canfield, 
Will Smith, Shakti Gawain, Robert Stiller, Dr. Wayne Dyer and even the founder of the Simonton Cancer Centre Dr. Carl Simonton.

Awaken your Gift of Genius and you will attract all that you desire or something even better.
And knowing how to do that is the secret that the geniuses of the world have used to their advantage and to the benefit of mankind.

Your mind is the most important part of your success. It’s the one that is creating the thoughts which in turn create the direction you go. Just like a driver keeping his car on the route to arrive at his destination.

It has been proven again and again. The less you use, the faster you lose it.
Change Your Mind and Change Your Life.
Like Tony Robbins says,

“The Past Does Not Equal the Future.”

If you decide now and are willing to take the action then you will succeed no matter what has happened in the past.

If you stay on course you will accomplish it!

Very Limited Openings - Apply Here Now
Today, with the exception of my family…

Nothing has been more important to me in my life than the incredible opportunities and satisfaction I’ve gained from experiencing how people’s lives have improved from practicing what they’ve learned and sharing that with others.

And so, with this letter, I would like to invite you to apply to join our special program.

I’m very excited about growing the power of this group from Ontario, Canada to the rest of the world. Every new like-minded member is like another engine powering the dynamo of personal growth.
What I Won't Tolerate
Before we go any further, I want to let you know there are a few things I won’t tolerate…

First and foremost, this is not a club for the selfish, who want to hold everything close to their chest. We share what we’ve learned in order to help others improve themselves.

In this group we are peers…

We want to each do our part for a better you, a better world. If you don’t want to help anyone when you’re already well on your way to your own success – then please don't apply.

I want to make sure that people who become members will be long time members, succeeding, sharing, for the rest of their lives.

Second, it’s important before you apply to know a little about what will happen behind the scenes, so you will be prepared.

TRUE Story

Story of Helene Hadsell who manifested a 50 year winning streak.

Helene was a remarkable woman. Having read about the importance of positive thinking she began to use this to start winning small items for herself and her family. Then she took the Silva Method and increased the power of her mind to manifest ever-greater results. From winning an outdoor motor to a fridge, a stove a microwave, four tv’s, bicycles and cash to finally the Grand Prize of a House for herself and her family. Helene Hadsell used her Gift of Genius to truly create a remarkable result in her life. She was a simple house wife who made the most out of what she learned and continued to improve and improve. She is proof that small results create the bigger results which can just grow and grow.

Helene Hadsell's Story:

Here is a story of a woman who literally defied everything the doctors told her and …
This is the story of Betty Perry…

Betty Perry is one of those delightful people who always appears upbeat, positive, purposeful. It's a pleasure to be around this vibrant, healthy, smiling lady. I get a lift every time I talk with her.

But it wasn't always this way. A stroke in 1966 left her with partial paralysis, a speech impairment and an outlook that she describes as ''terrible.'' She wore corrective shoes and had to lock her knee to go up steps.

''My memory was lousy, I had vision problems and I was depressed,'' she said. ''I ate all the time.'' Her weight ballooned to 175. She was frustrated that life had dealt her such a blow in the prime of life.

''Doctors kept me alive and got me to the point where I was able to get around,'' she said. But they told her there was nothing more they could do. They said she had brain damage and was lucky to be alive. All of that went on for 14 years. Then she learned to Unlock her Genius and everything improved.

Betty used the visualization and mental control techniques to reverse these physical problems she had. She couldn’t stand it any longer and practiced daily. At first she was able to improve her eyesight so that she could see without glasses.

Then, building on her confidence, she continued with reversing the effects of the stroke. At first she started to feel heat – something she didn’t for over 14 years; then she was able to move her leg a little, and a little more until finally she was walking fully again. A few months later she was driving a car again and even dancing!

Betty not only changed her own life but changed others as she shared what she learned with others for many years to come.
So….after everything I’ve told you, if you are interested in joining “Gift of Genius”,
Here’s what to do next:

At the bottom of this page you will find a link to the “Gift of Genius” application form.
The application process is free.

It has a few basic question we’d like you to answer, so we can get to know you a little better.

Please fill out this application completely with as much details as possible.

If your application is approved, we will contact you to schedule a phone interview between you and the director of our Gift of Genius program.

If you are approved, you will become an official member of the Gift of Genius program and we can get to work on giving you to tools to awakening the genius within you and transforming your life.
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